
For a full list of publications, find me on Google Scholar or ResearchGate


Highlighted publications

Coronado, S.M., A.G. Vincent, F.S.H. Pozos, L.A. Espinoza Siezar, and E.G. Pringle. 2025. Challenges in the early ontogeny of a mutualistic plant: resource availability and plant defense in juvenile Cecropia ant-plants. Biotropica 57: e70011. Link

Call, A., S. Akiba, and E.G. Pringle. 2024. Remote sensing reveals the importance of seminatural habitat and irrigation on aphid biocontrol in arid agroecosystems. Ecol Sol Evid 5: e12377. Link

Diethelm, A.C., M. Reichelt, and E.G. Pringle. 2023. Herbivores disrupt clinal variation in plant responses to water limitation. J Ecol Link

Mizell, G.M., T. Kim, B.W. Sullivan, J.S. Lemboi, J. Mosiany, T.M. Palmer, E.G. Pringle. 2023. Carbon allocation in an East African ant-acacia: field testing a 13C-labeling method for evaluating biotic impacts on the carbon cycle. Plant Ecol Link

Diethelm, A.C., K.E. Kost, and E.G. Pringle. 2023. Plant water limitation and its impact on the oviposition preferences of the monarch butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). J Ins Sci 23: 1-5. Link

Milligan, P.D., T.M. Palmer, J.S. Lemboi, J. Mosiany, S. Mutisya, B. Gituku, A. Kibungei, and E.G. Pringle. 2023. Ant invasion is associated with lower root density and different root distribution of a foundational savanna tree species. Biol Inv Link

Milligan, P.D., T.A. Martin, E.G. Pringle, K.M. Prior, and T.M. Palmer. 2023. Symbiotic ant traits produce differential host-plant carbon and water dynamics in a multi-species mutualism. Ecology e3880. Link

Diethelm, A.C., M. Reichelt, T.E. Dilts, J.P. Farlin, A. Marlar, and E.G. Pringle. 2022. Climatic history, constraints, and the plasticity of phytochemical traits under water stress. Ecosphere 13: e4167. PDF

Milligan, P.D., T.A. Martin, E.G. Pringle, C. Riginos, G.M. Mizell, T.M. Palmer. 2022. A soil-nesting invasive ant disrupts carbon dynamics in saplings of a foundational ant-plant. J Ecol 110: 359-373. Link

Mundim, F.M. and E.G. Pringle. 2018. Whole-plant metabolic allocation under water stress. Front Plant Sci. 9: 852. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00852. PDF

Pringle, E.G. 2016. Integrating plant carbon dynamics with mutualism ecology. New Phytol 210:71-75. PDF

Pringle, E.G., A. Novo, I. Ableson, R.V. Barbehenn, and R.L. Vannette. 2014. Plant-derived differences in the composition of aphid honeydew and their effects on colonies of aphid-tending ants. Ecol Evol 4: 4065-4079. PDF

Pringle, E.G., E. Akçay, T. Raab, R. Dirzo, and D.M. Gordon. 2013. Water stress strengthens mutualism among ants, trees and scale insects. PLoS Biology 11: 1-13. PDF. Featured in PLOS Biology Synopsis by Robin Meadows; Science Magazine Editors’ Choice