Fall 2021 conferences!
Scale insects (Coccidae) and mealybugs (Pseudococcidae) in an ant domatium of Cordia alliodora
Conference talks in two countries by members of the lab
Aramee Diethelm gave an in-person talk at the Entomological Society of America meeting in Denver, which we understand went smashingly well. The title of the talk was Monarch butterfly success in the Great Basin, USA: a tritrophic perspective, and she focused on results from her 2018 and 2019 monarch rearing and predation experiments at our milkweed common garden in Reno.
Stephanie Coronado will present at the Chamela Biological Station’s 50 Year Anniversary Symposium on Wednesday November 24th. She will present her results from the first chapter of her dissertation (coming soon to a journal near you!), a talk that won Best Student Talk of the Latin America & the Caribbean chapter at this past summer’s virtual Ecological Society of America meeting, but this time, in Spanish! The title of the talk is Mutualismo entre hormiga y planta realza la diversidad de orugas por el ensamblaje diferencial de orugas expecialistas y generalistas.